Administrative Staff
1 Corinthians 12:28

So God has appointed and placed in the church [for His own use]: first apostles [chosen by Christ], second prophets [those who foretell the future, those who speak a new message from God to the people], third teachers, then those who work miracles, then those with the gifts of healings, the helpers, the administrators, and speakers in various kinds of [unknown] tongues.
Benevolence  Priscilla Strange Image Benevolence - Priscilla Strange

Financial Secretary  Deaconess Cindy Baines Image Financial Secretary - Deaconess Cindy Baines

Deaconess Trecia Breakfield Image Deaconess - Trecia Breakfield

Evangelism Outreach Deaconess April Perkins Image Evangelism Outreach - Deaconess April Perkins

Security, Buildings & Grounds  Deacon Vernon Aplon  Image Security, Buildings & Grounds - Deacon Vernon Aplon

Culinary Diane Perkins Image Culinary - Diane Perkins


Intercessory Prayer Tommy Strange Image Intercessory Prayer - Tommy Strange

Media Ministry Jerome Baines Image Media Ministry - Jerome Baines

Greeters\Ushers Tommy Perkins Image Greeters\Ushers - Tommy Perkins

Family Services Rosa Aplon Image Family Services - Rosa Aplon

Treasurer Sandra Mitchell Image Treasurer - Sandra Mitchell